Columbus Day Weekend

6:40 PM

Why can't every weekend be a 3-day weekend? I had this last Monday off from school (Columbus Day) and had the best time biking around on Angel Island. Angel Island is off the coast of San Francisco. In addition to nature, biking trails, and amazing views, it also has a lot of history. I'm not usually super excited about history, but there's something about being in a place where history actually happened that is so intriguing and powerful. It's especially cool when you can see a picture of the rubble you're looking at as it was years and years ago, in use and surrounded by people.

To get to Angel Island, you have to take a 10 minute ferry ride from Tiburon (a beautiful city--see my picture below). There are always lots of sailboats in the water and the morning sun is beautiful reflecting off the water.

Can you spot the Golden Gate Bridge in the picture below? That's just hours before it got completely obscured by fog. (That's the Bay Area for you--I still love it.)

See all those white specks in the distance? Those are sailboats. I've been to Angel Island several times and there is almost always a sailboat race going on. Yes, those exist. And yes, they are as slow and boring as they sound (but they're also, strangely, hilarious to watch).

You can see the fog starting to roll in!

I was there during Fleet Week in San Francisco, when the Blue Angels (part of the Navy) do an amazing air show that you can see from Angel Island. They were literally flying what seemed like inches apart, all equidistant from each other, while doing flips and spirals and nosedives. Those are some seriously talented (and brave) people.

So that was my 3-day weekend adventure! My next day off is Veteran's Day on November 11th (which is going to be really weird since its on a Wednesday...)

I have some really exciting plans for this blog coming up soon, so check back often! Also, in case you've missed the beginning of my Fall Craft series, you can catch up here and here

'Til Sunday!

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