A Short Break

8:34 PM

Hello! I'm just hopping on the blog real quick to let you all know that I will be taking a short break from posting every Sunday. I thought a lot about this and decided that I needed a little vacation from blogging. I've loved blogging and still love it, but after doing it for two and a half years, I'm beginning to feel the need for a quick break. My philosophy is that it's always better to give yourself a break before you get totally burned out.

When I first made this blog, I couldn't even sleep at night because of how many ideas I had!! I really want to find that excitement again, and I want to prevent blogging from becoming a chore for me. Plus, I'm just really busy, what with school during the week and work on the weekends. And now I have to clean and cook for myself too... so I think that cutting this out temporarily will be good for me. But I'm hoping to come back refreshed and excited to come up with new posts again!

I haven't yet decided exactly when I will start posting again, but during my break, feel free to rifle through all the archived posts! After all, there are 147 of them to go through! (Find them in the column on the left, under "Check out past posts!")

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